Friday, February 18, 2011

Learning to Listen

Are kids smarter than they were five years ago, or is it just that I've stopped looking for the 'right' answer?

Are my students more perceptive than they were, or is it just that I am more receptive to what they have to say, even if it's not 'time' for it?

Are fourth graders smarter than they used to be, or is it just that I am less interested in 'moving the lesson forward' and more interested in listening to their reasoning?

Are kids understanding the program better now or is it just that I'm finally really hearing what they have to say?

Have they always had insightful observations, or is it just that I am more open to multiple interpretations of the same event?

I think we know where this is going.  Kids have always been smart and I haven't always known what to listen for.  It's been really exciting this week to hear my students' observations, thoughts and insights.  I am, for the first time, really enjoying the process of teaching this program. 

1 comment:

  1. Your article is about the kids and you have explained the kids nature very well that Kids have always been smart and I haven't always known what to listen for..


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