
Sunday, July 21, 2013

New Video: How I Teach Math & Dance at the Same Time

There's a cool new international math education project on the interwebs.  It's called Mathagogy: Two Minute Math Education. Peps McCrea, the instigator of this project, says on the site: "Our aim is to slowly gather a diverse collection of short ‘approaches to teaching mathematics’ videos from practitioners around the world."

He asked for submissions. Fueled by John Golden's support, I complied, and now my just-under-three-minute video is up and running on the Mathagogy site along with some other rather fantastic videos. (Although, now I need to give John himself a little nudge!)

This has been the year of videos for me, but I think this one is the best quick, visual description and reasoning of my work out there right now. (However, stay tuned for a new article from me, to be published in the Teaching Artist Journal in October, which pushes forward on what it really means to teach and learn in this kind of interdisciplinary setting. Much of my thinking in this video includes excerpts from that piece of writing.)

Feedback and questions on this video are welcome and encouraged!

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