
Sunday, September 29, 2013

Starting Small, Thinking Big

Well, it's been an exciting week bracketed by two incredible conversations that have me thinking a mile a minute.

The short version is I think I finally have a good starting concept for a new Math in Your Feet project, this time for teachers. I already provide teacher workshops but it's clearly time to expand my offerings.

Work has begun in earnest on this project. I'm going to start small(ish) with a book about everything I'm thinking as I teach my young learners, and everything I want to communicate during teacher workshops but never have enough time for. I already have an introduction drafted and a workable outline.

This new project will also include curriculum and DVD content, online courses for educators and an online learning and peer support community for people learning to teach the program.

The materials in this series are for anyone interested in learning and using the Math in Your Feet program with kids in grades K-8 whether during school hours, after-school, summer programs, enrichment, remedial, special education or home education.  If you would like to be notified as these materials and courses become available, please let me know. And, if you know of anyone who might also be interested in this kind of work, please pass on this information.

When will it be ready? Great question! Hopefully sooner rather than later and, most likely, in stages. Sign up for infrequent but, in all likelihood, quite thrilling updates.

If you're interested in something new right this very instant go read my brand new article in the Teaching Artist Journal called Making Math and Making Dance: A Closer Look at Integration.  It's probably the best writing and thinking I've done to date.

This is big, y'all.  I can't wait to see where in the world we can get kids and adults making math and making dance together. 

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